Posted in News for Cyprus, TAX SERVICES
Cyprus signed a new tax treaty with Egypt
On 8 October 2019, Cyprus signed a new tax treaty with Egypt.
The treaty is going to replace the existing tax treaty between the two countries that has been in effect since 1996. -
Posted in News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register: Risk & Opportunities
Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) is a set of regulatory requirements issued by the European Union (EU) containing rules to combat money laundering and terrorist financing by EU member states. In this content, law 4557/2018 introduced the establishment of the ultimate beneficial owner register that puts an end to the unanimity of shareholders.
Posted in News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Article: Brexit & VAT Refund
In view of 31st of October 2019, the date on which the UK will withdraw for European Union, the Independent Authority of public revenue, issued a notice with regards to the VAT Refund applications.
Posted in News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Article: How will Brexit affect businesses?
31 October 2019. Maybe one of the most important date in the history of the European Union (E.U.) as UK would be the first member state to withdraw for the EU.
Posted in News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Article: Board Members’ Liability
One of the key issues that a shareholder is facing with regards to the establishment of a S.A company in Greece, is searching for members of the Board of Directors.
Posted in News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Article: Simplifying Legislation – A development tool
Article of our Managing Partner Theodore Pistiolis at capital.gr with regards to the simplification of the legislation
Posted in News for Cyprus, News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Article: No restrictions in the provision of Airbnb services in the E.U.
Following a complaint from French AhTop Association, which represents 30,000 hotels and syndicates, against Airbnb Ireland, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), Mr Maciej Szpunar, in his Opinion of Tuesday 30 April (Case C-390/18)…
Posted in News, News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Tax Alert: New VAT rules for the supply of electronic services, radio & telecoms
A full set of new VAT rules were published at the Greek Official Gazette and were entered into forced on 1st of January 2019.
Posted in News, News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Stamp duty surcharges on short-term leases: New circular of the Independent Public Revenue Authority
On 18.1.2019 the Independent Public Revenue Authority issued Circular E 2016/2019 regarding the stamp duty surcharges applied on short-term leases.
Posted in News, News for Greece, TAX SERVICES
Επενδύσεις στο Εξωτερικό & Φορολογικός Σχεδιασμός
Από το 2016 και κατόπιν του υπ’ αριθμ. ΔΟΣ 1051902 ΕΞ 2016/31.3.2016 εγγράφου της Διεύθυνσης Διεθνών Σχέσεων αναφορικά με την εφαρμογή της Σύμβασης αποφυγής διπλής φορολογίας μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Κύπρου …